Gardening in an Emergency


To-do this month:

  1. Grow something. Anything. Sprout some seeds in a jar. Start some seeds in a pot on your patio or inside by a warm window. You need to learn that growing things is possible anywhere, anytime!

  2. Buy some heirloom seeds for the things you would most like to grow. Store them somewhere cool.

  3. Start preparing your soil by adding organic matter. Save your kitchen scraps.

  4. Look into one way you could grow food in the winter.

  5. Learn what Zone you live in and when you should plant in your area.

Start a garden TODAY!

The time to start preparing to grow your own food for an emergency is TODAY! Not when the power goes out, or when fuel shortages have stopped the trucks from delivering food.

Gardening is a skill, much like being able to shoot a gun accurately. Gardening is more than simply scattering some seeds, watering them a bit, waiting a few days, and then harvesting some food.

It takes time to prepare the land, nourish the spill, purchase or save seeds, and grow them! You also need to do things that work, make some mistakes, realize the good and the bad, and learn from them to become a better gardener.

Helpful videos about gardening