Emergency Kits and Lists

To-do this month:

  1. Prepare your everyday kits:

    Every-day carry kit: These are items that will slip in a purse or bag easily wherever you go. It’s light and portable and will cover a lot of basic needs.

    Get home kit: Fits in a duffel-type bag, and stays in your vehicle at all times. It’s for if your vehicle fails and need to walk home. What would you need to handle that situation? Those things are in the bag.

    Car emergency kit: This stays in the vehicle at all times and contains the things you will need if your car has problems, or if you need to stay with the car for some time. Be prepared to change a tire in the rain.

    72-hour kit: This bag is to sustain life and comfort for 3 days under conditions of evacuation from your home. Limit this to a backpack. In 3 days you will be hungry, cold, thirsty, sleepy, and need to use the restroom. What can you take in your backpack to deal with this?

  2. Prepare your evacuation checklist with your family. Download a PDF version here.

  3. Prepare your emergency binder with your vital documents in one place.


4 week plan for emergency kits & lists

Helpful videos about emergency kits & lists